The Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping

Shipping law series

Due to its geographical position (at a hub between three continents), Cyprus has always been a center of attraction for trading purposes, making it a center for ship management, at a European level but also worldwide. The shipping trade is an international activity that reinforces a state financially; therefore the adjustment/adaption to the ever-changing trading and financial conditions is necessary.

In order to ensure its national interests and take advantage of trading opportunities that arise, Cyprus revises and updates the legal framework in which it operates. As a result the above mentioned Law was voted, in order to achieve further growth, promoting and highlighting the Cypriot register and the maritime clusters. It has to be noted that the Law that foresees the establishment of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping, the Appointment of Deputy Minister to the President for Shipping and for Other Related Matters (123(I)/2017) will come in force on the 1st of March 2018.

Through the operation of the Deputy Ministry, investments in shipping will be promoted, and there will be training and education around this sector. In order to achieve all of the aforementioned, advisory committees will contribute; studies will be carried out, market research and analysis of modern trends in the maritime sector will be done. Additionally, there will be an upgrade of the relevant services, research and submission of proposals for reforms, and simplification of the procedures aiming to attract maritime investments and the strengthen competitiveness.

As it is mentioned in Article 3 of the above mentioned Law, the establishment of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping is the result of the development (renaming) of the Department of Merchant Shipping. The said Law creates and sets the responsibilities and conditions of service with regard to the staffing and operation of the Deputy Ministry.

With regards to any Court proceeding or legal action that is pending/has been established between the Department of Merchant Shipping before the said Law comes into force, will continue against the Deputy Ministry of Shipping (Article 4(4)).

The Deputy Ministry of Shipping shall draw up an Annual Activity Report which will be submitted to the Council of Ministers and before the House of Representatives for briefing. In addition, it will be uploaded to the Ministry’s website.

Furthermore, the Law sets the Deputy Minister’s responsibilities who, inter alia, has the political supervision of the Deputy Ministry, will represent the Republic before the bodies and institutions of the European Union, and will handle matters and cases which fall under his authority (Article 7).

Finally, the Deputy Minister will submit proposals to the Council of Ministers and will be present to its sessions for subject matters that fall under his authority/responsibility.

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